
The 最小特权原则 is also commonly known in the cybersecurity community as 最小权限访问(LPA). This concept in the security world essentially stipulates that there is a minimum amount of privilege – or access – granted to any entity that is a human user or automated process that needs permission to use an application to achieve its goals and which is also compliant with the organization’s risk goals.

What is Privilege Creep? 

Privilege creep is the process of losing control of the number of permissions a specific user maintains in order to do their job or to complete a task. Simply put, if a user no longer needs access to a certain application to do their job, then that permission should be revoked to maintain as secure of an environment as possible.

In such circumstances, certain users obtain and hold more permissions and higher levels of access than their current job roles or responsibilities actually warrant. This might happen if, for example, permissions are granted to access resources for a temporary work assignment of short duration, but are not subsequently disallowed when that work assignment comes to an end.

Similarly, a change of job responsibilities could lead to an aggregation of privileges and permissions the person no longer needs. Automating LPA can help to address challenges like privilege creep and also:

  • 防止滥用特权帐户
  • 增加了短期云授权的复杂性
  • 跨多个云基础设施的不一致性
  • 具有过多访问权限的帐户

Zero Trust vs. 最小特权原则

The concept of zero trust 主要依靠不同方法的验证. 在这个安全场景中, a user will never be able to simply gain access without undergoing some type of verification check. The most common type of verification technology is multi-factor authentication (MFA). 这通常以输入硬件密钥的形式出现, 正在接收验证文本消息, 或者输入一次性密码,这样他们就能进入.

Least privilege, on the other hand, is a process by which a user is inherently trusted and verified for the length of time they’ll need access to the application or program – meaning they won’t have to overcome any security verification measures to gain access.


LPA is important because it helps to keep a network as secure as possible. It does this by limiting the number of permissions network users need to do their job. In this way, 特定的用户最终不会拥有过多的权限, 但人们通常可以理解他们是如何做到的.

Network environments, 特别是在大企业中, 通常规模非常大, 而且要知道用户需要的确切权限并不总是那么容易. Similarly, when you’re not quite sure what permissions a new user will need in the long run, it may be more convenient to over-provision in the off-chance they’ll require those permissions in the future.

If a user’s system – or endpoint ——是要妥协的,a threat actor would have access to all of the user’s unnecessary escalated permissions. 这可能使威胁行为者有可能实施 ransomware attack by leveraging stolen privileges to hop from system to system so they can easily scour the network and find desirable data to encrypt and exfiltrate.

特权蔓延发生在每个安全组织, and it can seem difficult – if not unfathomable – to hope to successfully manage excessive permissions at scale. Any solution to this problem needs to be able to establish a baseline of what normal activity looks like, which can be accomplished by tracking actual activity over a set period of time.

一旦建立了正常的基线, that normal activity can be correlated with the permissions granted to a given entity, and the permissions can be automatically adjusted to adhere to the organization's LPA guidelines.


LPA的好处是巨大的. An 身份和访问管理(IAM) program, a broader category concerning access under which the concept of LPA falls, 是任何现代安全程序的关键组成部分吗.

A key benefit in instituting the principle of least privilege is that it essentially locks down the network attack surface 而不会导致生产力显著下降. Let’s take a look at some of the other benefits of a least privilege access model:

  • Limit damage: 根据互联网安全中心(CIS), 通过控制每个用户的访问级别, system, and process, LPA可以限制未经批准的活动造成的潜在损害, 无论是有意还是无意.
  • 构建到网段中: Network segmentation is already a great security measure to prevent total attack surface infiltration. Add to that the ability of LPA to be deployed across users building and securing those segments, 网络的防御也进一步优化.
  • 保持环境清洁: If a user is finished working on a project and simply wants to look back at it, LPA会否认这种能力. A myriad of human errors due to unnecessary access is a great way to let attackers exploit vulnerabilities, spread malware,使企业损失金钱和声誉.


Teams can establish and manage LPA by setting the minimum privileges possible to achieve the organization's risk goals. They can also:

  • Proactively analyze cloud environments for excessive entitlements at scale. 一个有效的解决方案应该分解复杂, multi-tiered IAM policies and analyze them within the context of an environment to simplify the process of finding and fixing excessive entitlements.
  • Continuously monitor as well as automate remediation of anomalous behaviors and excessive permissions. 这是在发展云计算业务时保持正轨的关键方法. For example, 来自Rapid7的InsightCloudSec, teams can leverage pre-defined bot actions and specify the resources they’ll evaluate for excessive permissions.
  • Leverage identity analysis protocols to provide a unified view into identity-related risk across cloud environments, 使安全组织能够大规模地实现LPA.
  • 让他们的员工准备好采用LPA最佳实践. Most of us are used to jumping through some sort of identity verification hurdle to access things like bank information, healthcare portals, 以及儿童教育工具. This semi-new normal societal behavior can help alleviate some of the friction implementing LPA business-wide might cause. However, 每个组织的实现看起来都不一样, 因此,与员工群体进行充分沟通是一条很好的经验法则.

LPA是一个永无止境的过程, requiring ongoing assessment of privilege levels against organizational roles and permissions. 通过过度的特权账户发现和一些指导补救, 云基础设施授权管理(CIEM) 工具可以帮助组织走向更强大的安全状态. 

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